While you’re following this diet, it’s CRUCIAL to read labels. The first thing you’ll want to look for is the allergen section, at the bottom of the ingredients list in bold capital letters: WHEAT, SOY, MILK, PEANUTS, NUTS – all that jazz. Then check out the sugar levels – avoid anything over 10 g per serving. If there’s something with a minimum amount of sugar that meets all the other requirements, you might be able to swing it. You can always check in with me if you’re not sure!

If you do the majority of your shopping in the packaged food aisles, finding foods that fall in line with your elimination diet is going to be a difficult feat. You’ll spend a lot of time with your neck craned down, squinting at tiny words and probably getting frustrated when nothing fits into your restrictions.

Instead, spend your grocery trips in two places, the produce section, and the deli. Buy rice, buckwheat, and quinoa in bulk, have some fresh herbs on hand and pack your cabinet with some spices. You’ll be good to go in no time!

Here’s a sample menu for the day, to give you some inspiration:

Breakfast Smoothie: banana, strawberries, mango, unsweetened rice milk, spinach, chia seeds OR whipped roasted sweet potatoes with coconut cream and cinnamon

Lunch: green salad with shredded carrots, cucumbers, avocado, turkey bacon, and apple cider vinegar/olive oil dressing with grilled lamb and roasted onions, garlic, and a sweet potato

Dinner: Baked salmon with olive oil and fresh herbs, sauteed green beans with garlic, and white rice or quinoa

Snacks: fresh fruit salad, spicy roasted cauliflower, olives Beverages: water, herbal tea (unsweetened)

Some pointers:

-Almost all vegetables taste best roasted

-Get used to the idea of snacking on fruits and veggies instead of packed chips or crackers -Remember that it’s all temporary!!